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Welcome to Milliman Netherlands

Nieuwe pensioenwet een feit

De nieuwe pensioenwet is vanaf 1 juli 2023 een feit. Uiterlijk 1 januari 2028 dienen alle toegezegde pensioenen (in de tweede pijler) aangepast te zijn aan deze nieuwe wet. Een enorme operatie in de pensioensector die moet leiden tot een modern en eigentijds pensioen. Met deze wet is een nieuw fundament gelegd voor een toekomstbestendig pensioen.

Solvency II

As a full service actuarial and consulting firm, Milliman brings a comprehensive understanding of the application of risk adjustment and predictive modeling to complex healthcare applications. Whether you require risk adjustment tools, strategic advice, or customized models, knowledgeable consultants and actuaries are always available to help design and deliver successful solutions.


The new IFRS standard for insurance contracts promises to have a transformative effect on insurers’ financial reporting. Milliman has unparalleled experience with Solvency II and other regulatory regimes, coupled with groundbreaking systems implementation and industrialisation capabilities.


Extreme Weather Events in Europe

Our extensive research helps European insurers understand the scale of last year's drought, heat waves, and floods —and anticipate what business decisions could lie ahead.


Insight from Milliman

Featured Products

We’re driving the future with our analytics and modeling technologies

Reserving and IBNP reserve estimation


Analyze unpaid claims liabilities with industry-leading stochastic and deterministic reserving tools and methods.

Solvency II reporting and compliance
Solvency II reporting & compliance


Streamline Solvency II compliance with a multi-user, multi-site tool for Standard Formula SCR and quantitative reporting templates.

Software performance enhancement
Financial Modeling Platform

Milliman Mind IFRS 17 module

Milliman Mind is a flexible and easy-to-use web-based platform that offers you a cost-effective IFRS 17 calculation tool.

Practice leaders

Meet some of the experts leading Milliman Netherlands

Wouter Elshof headshot

Wouter Elshof

Principal, Consulting Actuary

Wouter is a principal and consulting actuary in the Amsterdam office of Milliman. He and his team are responsible for risk management activities in Benelux.

Peter Franken headshot

Peter Franken

Principal & Consulting Actuary

Peter Franken is a principal and consulting actuary in the Amsterdam office of Milliman. He is one of the partners of the Insurance and Financial Risk Practice in the Benelux.

Rajish Sagoenie headshot

Rajish Sagoenie

Equity Principal

Rajish is a principal and consulting actuary in the Amsterdam office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 2011. He currently serves as the firm's pension managing director.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

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