05 March 2025 - by Judith Houtepen, Henny Verheugen
Het bedrag aan kapitaal dat moet worden aangehouden voor operationele risico’s door Nederlandse zorgverzekeraars is hoog vergeleken met bijvoorbeeld schadeverzekeraars. Ook op basis van andere indicatoren wordt duidelijk dat het bedrag erg hoog is.
05 February 2025 - by Tony Dardis, Jorren Jacobs, Bryan Liu, Henny Verheugen, Kevin Vetsuypens, David Wang
We review for insurers some of the key components and design choices when modeling economic capital.
03 February 2025 - by Sjoerd Brethouwer, Lotte van Delft, Cornelis Slagmolen, Henny Verheugen
Is de rol van de levensverzekeraar uitgespeeld in de Nederlandse markt, of toch niet?
11 December 2024 - by Henny Verheugen, Menno van Wijk
De toename van overgewicht in de bevolking is een belangrijke ontwikkeling. Wat betekent het voor de levensverwachting?
30 July 2024 - by Demosthenis Demosthenous, Markus Hersche, Dilesh Patel, Jean-Baptiste Sallmann, Francois Uzan, Henny Verheugen
For European insurers, contractual service margin, risk adjustment, and reevaluations significantly influenced performance in 2023.
22 October 2019 - by Thomas Bulpitt, Andrew Kay, Henny Verheugen
This note summarises some of the key points and remaining issues raised during the consultation period for the Exposure Draft, particularly those raised by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group and the European Insurance CFO Forum.
22 January 2018 - by Henny Verheugen
This article discusses the possible implications of each of the three approaches to transition to IFRS 17 and why insurers will need to choose their options carefully.
19 October 2017 - by William Hines, Andrew Kay, Padraic O'Malley, Henny Verheugen
Our IFRS 17 Seminar provided a detailed view of the requirements, methodology and practical challenges involved in implementing the new insurance contract standard, IFRS 17.
19 December 2016 - by William Hines, Takanori Hoshino, Kurt Lambrechts, Henny Verheugen
This paper discusses critical points of attention regarding IFRS17 and suggests possible first steps towards implementation.
20 February 2015 - by Henny Verheugen
The International Accounting Standards Board’s 2013 Exposure Draft focuses on the practical implications of the changes in IFRS4 Phase 2.