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U verlaat de website en wordt doorgestuurd naar De website van Milliman Financial Strategies, de door AFM-geregistreerde vermogensbeheerder van Milliman.

Insurance solutions

Milliman insurance technology

Reserving and IBNP reserve estimation
Reserving and IBNP reserve estimation


Analyze unpaid claims liabilities with industry-leading stochastic and deterministic reserving tools and methods.

Litigation cost analytics
Litigation cost analytics
Litigation cost analytics


Detect patterns in attorney billing practices using powerful algorithms, helping manage costs and improve claims defense.

Financial modeling and industrialization
Financial modeling and industrialization
Financial modeling & industrialization


Automate and accelerate actuarial modeling and reporting with a powerful, cloud-based solution.

Insurance risk assessment
Insurance risk assessment
Insurance risk assessment


IntelliScript combines industry-leading data and analysis to provide insurers the knowledge, tools, and insight to confidently assess risk.

Financial modeling
Financial modeling
Financial modeling


Product accurate and timely statutory, tax, and GAAP reserve calculations with the industry's leading seriatim valuation system.

IFRS readiness and GASB75 compliance
IFRS readiness and GASB75 compliance
IFRS readiness and compliance

Milliman IFRS 17 Readiness Assessment Tool

Monitor and assess IFRS 17 readiness and compliance, and plan remaining tasks effectively.

Software performance enhancement
Software performance enhancement
Financial Modeling Platform with Excel language

Milliman MIND

Milliman Mind is a flexible and easy-to-use web-based platform which automatically converts Excel spreadsheets into more powerful models.

Solvency II compliance
Solvency II compliance
Solvency II compliance

Milliman STAR Solutions

Comply with Solvency II regulations using a suite of specialized analytics, modeling, and reporting tools.

Reserve and liability modeling
Reserve and liability modeling
Reserve and liability modeling


Dramatically reduce the time required for life insurance reserves and liabilities calculations with innovative modeling.

Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics


Analyze a wide range of claims data to identify those likely to incur high costs, helping optimize management and reduce costs.

Premium comparison platform
Premium comparison platform
Premium comparison platform


Identify new market sectors, pinpoint adverse selection, and make better pricing decisions with a web-based premium comparison tool.

Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics


Visually explore industry experience against your own and make intelligent decisions based on drivers of policyholder behavior.

Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics


Assess the volatility embedded in pension plans, immediate annuities, and deferred annuities with longevity guarantees.

Solvency II compliance
Solvency II compliance
Solvency II compliance

Solvency II Compliance Assessment Tool

Monitor and assess compliance with Solvency II while creating an audit trail of completed work and a development plan for future actions.

Solvency II reporting and compliance
Solvency II reporting and compliance
Solvency II reporting & compliance


Streamline Solvency II compliance with a multi-user, multi-site tool for Standard Formula SCR and quantitative reporting templates.

Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics
Predictive analytics


Value variable annuities against Japanese statutory reserve and capital requirements with support for all types of minimum guarantees.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

We’re here to help

Ask the tough questions. We’re ready for them.

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