René van der Meer
Senior Actuarial Consultant
1101 BR, NL
René is a consulting actuary and manager in the Amsterdam office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 2007.
René has worked for more than 20 years in the consulting industry. His main focus is consultancy services to pension funds. He also provides certification activities for pension funds and assists companies on pension issues such as plan design and plan changes.
Before he started with Milliman, René worked as Actuary AG with Mercer in several positions as senior consultant.
Professional Designations
- Fellowship, Institute of Actuaries of the Netherlands (Actuarieel Genootschap – AAG) specializing in pensions
- Master's degree, Econometrics and Operations Research, Amsterdam University, Netherlands
- Actuarial Science, University of Amsterdam (Finalized postgraduate education at the Dutch Actuarial Institute)