The roundtable is aimed at Dutch companies with a deficit in their UK defined benefit (DB) pension schemes as well as companies interested in learning more about the latest UK pension developments.
The roundtable will focus on the following topics:
- An update on the UK pensions market and the impact it is having on Dutch companies—this will include recent analysis by the leading UK actuarial firm Barnett Waddingham LLP (the analysis will be distributed at the event).
- Current market opportunities which could help companies tackle their UK pension problems, including:
- Changes to the way UK employees can access their pension savings that make it more attractive for them to transfer DB benefits into defined contribution (DC) arrangements. This helps reduce the scale of the historic DB obligations.
- Continuing developments in the UK bulk annuity market.
- What can we learn in the Netherlands from our UK counterparts?
- Management of international pension plans—how can this be done in a more harmonised manner to increase efficiency, reduce risk, and achieve greater consistency across a business.
MBW International Directors Nick Griggs and Andrew Vaughan are guest speakers. Both Nick and Andrew have considerable experience dealing with these UK pension issues.
Seats are limited. If you would like to attend, email us here for more information.